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Services offered

Business Analysis


I love interacting with business people to discover what the problems and opportunities they have that need a software solution.


I excell in facilitating workgroups doing JAD or other sessions.


I believe that I need to always ask the question "why?" to better understand the reason for a requirement.



Some people hate testing while for others it is a passion. I am neither a hater nor a passionator. I believe that testing must be approached like an engeneering project.


Find out what is there, where it should be, why it should be there, what should not be there. I see every testing opportunity as a challenge to determine the correct use case data sets to prove the software works and is bugfree to an acceptable level.

Evaluating Specifications


Because of my analytical skills and BA background, I can evaluate a specification to determine if the correct approach is taken with the proposed solution(s) and if there are gaps in the specification that might have a detrimental effect in the development life cycle.


I always keep in mind that developers, testers and manual creators need to use the same document to perform their duties.

Business Process Design


No business can function well if the processes that produces the products are not well designed. Moreover, these processes descriptions must be very accessible to the people executing the business processes.


That is why I believe that paper or wiki type electronic storage does not make it easy for employees to always follow the correct steps. These process descriptions need to be available to guide employees through the process without them first have to do a "look-up"..


At the same time, management information about the state of a process must be easily available. I am helping organizations to streamline their business processes with ProcessPlan: easy to use but powerfull. Employees need not even be logged into ProcessPlan to indicate progression of a process.

Writing/Editing User Manuals


I believe that a user of a software product must be able to use a manual to understand how the software support the business process that he or she is working on.


There is thus a very fine balance between conciseness for easy reading and enough information to understand the product. When writing a manual I make use of links to other resources without overwhelming the reader with information

Business Analyst/ITS SMS Coaching


Because one of my strenghs is "Developer", I love coaching new Business Analysts.


The same is true for coaching users in using the ITS Integrator Student Management Systems (ITS SMS). With my experience as a user of the system and the knowledge of the ITS SMS that I gained as Product System Owner of the ITS SMS, I can give expert coaching in the use of the system.


Coaching is different from training; the latter supposes a trainer spending limited time with a group of people telling how the system work. In coaching, I will be spending one-on-one time with staff doing their actual work to enable them to use the system to its fullest potential to achieve maximum results.

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